So Apple has released the new version of Mac OS X to the world. Us mac-weenies have been awaiting this without much patience. But it finally came.
I hastily (but lovingly) opened my box yesterday and gazed lovingly over the new CDs awaiting my pleasure. Then I saw it. The Scratch. On the CD. Oh shit.
I vainly thought, it will be ok, it will still install.
I put in the CD in and booted my machine.
“Installer error 38”
::frustration passes::
Jacob, my friendly Apple sales guy appologizes profusely and promises to next-day air me a copy ASAP. Very nice of him, but I am still disappointed.
So I ponder removing the scratch. Hmm. What do I need. Mild abrasive. AHA!
TOOTH PASTE! (actually Colgate to be more exact)
I spend countless minutes carefully rubbing the scratch out. It looks good. I hope.
I again try to make a disk image of the CD (a task which has failed many times before).
And I watch as the progress bar fills.
But it keeps going!
A new copy of my CD is burning now. Hopefully it will work.