May Contain Blueberries

the sometimes journal of Jeremy Beker

I’ve seen a number of people post pictures and descriptions of what they carry with them every day. Shawn Blanc just linked to a picture of what he was carrying from 2007 and it inspired me to do the same.

A few years back I decided I wanted to go extremely minimalist with what I had on my person at all times. Not a whole lot of describing to do of the items.

  • Apple iPhone 4 (AT&T) - This is probably the device that makes it possible to carry so little physically since I am carrying access to so much virtually. I rarely actually use it as a phone. You can’t see the skin on the back, but it is I like Birds by ExplodingDog.
  • Slimmy Wallet by Koyono - This is a great, super thin wallet. It has enough room for maybe 3 credit cards, a bit of cash and the random miscellaneous cards one needs (license, insurance, ACLU membership card, etc.). I upgraded to get the exciting red interior which you apparently can’t get anymore.
  • Keys and car fob - At the moment I have 4 keys on my keychain. I could almost certainly get it down to 3 and possibly 2 if I really needed to. I may do that. So, there it is. Super minimalist. And I can’t think of anything else I would require to have on a daily basis.