May Contain Blueberries

the sometimes journal of Jeremy Beker


What a trip! I could not have imagined the amazing sights and experiences I had in Latvia. It is unlike any country I have ever visited. I have a list of topics I want to touch on, but I think I will do that in subsequent posts. This post is a quick reference for all of you to the various pictures that I took from the trip. I will try to collect my thoughts on other topics later this week and do some writing.

For more information on the trip itself, I refer you to the great job that Tiffany did documenting the trip every night (and sometimes multiple times a day) on her blog TLB Entries: Days 0 and 1, Day 2 part 1 and part 2, Day 3, Day 4 part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, and part 5, and finally Days 5 and 6.

I stayed on after Latvia for a business meeting in Switzerland, so there are also pictures from there.

Enjoy the pictures and pass along any questions you want me to answer in subsequent posts.