[](http://www.flickr.com/photos/confusticate/968489522/ "Dinner")
Today was a hard day. It isn't worth getting into now. It will work itself out over time, but for the purpose of this entry, let us just say I had considerable motivation to have a nice dinner. There was also a very strong motivation to just order something, and have it delivered, but I knew it would be more restful to make something myself. I didn't think to take pictures until I was mostly done, so you get to see more of the end product than the process.
[](http://www.flickr.com/photos/confusticate/967620461/ "Before the pasta")
The ingredients:
* Ravioli
* 1 zucchini, halved, then sliced into half moons
* 4-5 medium sized "baby bella" mushrooms, chopped
* 1 green onion, chopped
* 4 cloves garlic, minced
* 2 anchovy filets
I started by putting salted pasta water on to boil. I then heating up a medium pat of butter with some olive oil in a frying pan. Once the butter just started to brown, I added the chopped mushrooms and let them reduce for a little while with a medium pinch of kosher salt and some black pepper. I tossed in the anchovy filets at this point and let them dissolve.
[](http://www.flickr.com/photos/confusticate/968480544/ "Close Up")
Next the zucchini was added and I turned up the heat to help cook them a little bit. As the pasta was just about to be finished, I threw in the green onions to give them just a minute or so to cook.
[](http://www.flickr.com/photos/confusticate/967638955/ "With garlic on top")
I then added the pasta and plated the dish. You may notice that I left out an ingredient, the garlic. After I had plated the dish, I realized the minced garlic was still on the cutting board. Oops. I had planned to add it just at the end of the cooking anyway to keep it sharp, so I just sprinkled it on top, which made a nice presentation.
As a side, I made a variation on my normal cheesy-bread. This time, after toasting the bread first, I placed some of the chopped green onions directly on the bread. These were then covered by some pepper jack cheese. The whole thing was then placed in the over to melt the cheese. By placing the onions under the cheese, they stayed nice and sweet instead of getting burned by the heat that bobbled the cheese.
All the pictures can be found on my [flickr page](http://www.flickr.com/photos/confusticate/sets/72157601128355396/).