What a weekend! I haven't had this much fun, gotten this tired, and wanted more in a very long time.
Friday afternoon, Brianne came up and we went by the grocery store and got great food for grilling. Lots of veggies, some nice looking wild salmon, and couscous. We sat outside on the deck and enjoyed the food and great weather.
Saturday we got up somewhat early (for a holiday weekend) and went to Water Country with Tiffany. We got to ride almost all of the rides and really wore ourselves out. I was a little saddened that Water Country shut down one of the older rides, but there was some indication that some new rides are being contemplated. We rode rides until we were quite tired and then went home and took naps :) After napping, we drove down to Norfolk and had a really nice dinner and tried to hide from the belly-dancer.
Sunday was the big day! What started out as a small group of people getting together to go kayaking turned into a group of 9 people. We all met at First Landing park and got into our kayaks (after a brief lesson for us first timers) and went into the water. It took a little getting used to in order to stay going in a straight line, but after that it was pretty straight forward. After paddling for maybe an hour and a half, we found a nice little beach and pulled up the kayaks and had lunch. The picture at right was taken from our lunch spot.
After lunch, we made our way back to the launch site. It was really a great experience and I can't wait until I get to do it again. Next time, we may go into the ocean and play in the waves. After we wrapped up the boats, we headed over to the beach and hung out there for a little while. As the group dwindled, Brianne, Tiffany, Olga, and I headed back into Ghent and got dinner. Of course, there were also margaritas involved. A wonderful end to a great day.
Monday was much more relaxed. I slept in a little while Brianne was wonderful and made breakfast (french-toast is yummy). We lazed around her house for a while and then walked into downtown Norfolk and went by the mall and the waterfront. We stopped and read books and just relaxed. The walking back seemed a bit further than the walk there, but it was all very nice.
So that is the quick story of the long weekend. Olga had a waterproof case for her camera, so the pictures from the kayaking are courtesy of her. I have a few other ones available as well.
* [Kayaking pictures](http://www.viajera.smugmug.com/gallery/2912503) - Thanks Olga!
* [Memorial Day set](http://www.flickr.com/photos/confusticate/sets/72157600281889459) - Selections from Olga plus my pictures.