I haven't been doing such a great job of posting what I've read lately, so here is a quick update.
Exploiting Software was a pretty good book that had quite a few odd coincidences with one of the authors (he is the CTO of the company some friends work for and in reading the foreword, I realized a guy I knew in college also worked for the company). The book was generally pretty good; it was definitely very technical and complete in it’s coverage of the topics. I felt it got a little bogged down in details near the center of the book, but it picked up by the end.
I'm about halfway through [Smart Mobs](/cgi-global/amazonbounce.pl?isbn=0738208612&assoc=gothmogstolkiena) and I am finding that the writing is a little inconsistent. There will be sections that I just can't put down and others that are painful to make it through. Aside from that though, the subject matter is quite interesting. The way in which mobile computing is effecting the social structures over the last 10 years is amazing. At this point at least, I'm glad I picked it up.