For many people the run-up to the 2004 presidential election and the way in which we gathered news was completely different than ever before. The advent of free-lance and amateur news sources on the internet provided a new source for information that was faster and more responsive (although not always accurate). The mainstream web news sources rarely reported news I had not seen somewhere else, and print media was sorely behind. For myself, I am still subscribed to numerous politically oriented blogs and news sites via RSS
Dan Gillmor recently departed the San Jose Mercury News to develop new projects, but his experiences as a professional journalist and technology expert shine through in his book. We the media documents the history of how media has changed over the centuries. He concentrating on the emergence of “new media” since 9/11. The changes in how media works that I have experienced are well documented and the potential implications are explored. He talks equally about the potential of the new media to expand the types of information available to every citizen as well as how those same citizens can become participants in the process.
We are seeing a change in progress; a tipping point that will likely change the way in which news is reported for decades to come. If that interests you, We the media will be a good read.
Note: Although Dan Gillmor defiantly would appreciate the purchase of the book, he is embracing the new model by releasing the whole book under a Creative Commons license so you can download the book in its entirety. Download from the book website here (online book, top left).