May Contain Blueberries

the sometimes journal of Jeremy Beker

  • President Bush will give Saddam Hussein 48 hours to leave Iraq or face military action, administration sources say
  • Iraqi foreign minister says Saddam won’t leave, suggests Bush leave office instead

I like option B.

First, read the article (and notice the source, it gives the article more weight):

The Expanding Racial Scoring Gap Between Black and White SAT Test Takers This is a well written article full of disturbing facts. The source of the article moves it past many of the knee-jerk reactions to those facts. As one who would like to see a race neutral policy in place, I am bothered by this information. I feel that in many ways the race supporting policies currently in place do not help solve this solution; they only act as a crutch.

But in reading the article, and the information presented, it really make me wonder what is going on here. As an example:

Black students who study hard are often the subject of peer ridicule. They are accused of “acting white” by other blacks. This so-called “ghetto chic” in the form of peer pressure to shun academic pursuits undoubtedly has a dragging effect on average black SAT scores.

I see a clear dichotomy here. On one hand, it seems that many black leaders rail against how “white society” has towered above “black society.” I do not argue that has happened, but at the same time it seems that mainstream black society is preventing it’s own members from rising above the status quo.

The connection between academics, critical thinking, and education seems, in some people’s minds, to be tied to “whiteness.” Those concepts should transcend any individual and be accepted by all as a goal that is worthy of any individual regardless of race.

Ironically, the support system that has been put in place to attempt to compensate for past injustices against blacks has in some ways hampered their ability to overcome their past. By making a system that helps one race, it teaches society that those people need help and can’t achieve the same level of success without it. This is patently untrue, but I am afraid it is a value that has pervaded the thoughts of all races.

Every person, regardless of race has a level of academic ability that they can reach. This level is different for each person and every race will have it’s brilliant and it’s mediocre individuals; but I truly believe that the high and low and the distribution of people between those extremes is statistically identical no matter what race is looked at. The ability to reach this goal is the key; and that depends primarily upon the will of that individual and access to information.

The problem of access to information is often brought up as lacking for blacks of low socio-economic status. This appears to be a determining factor, but can not the same argument be made for other racial groups that find themselves in similar economic situations? Nor does this argument provide an explanation of the high end case, were one would assume both the black and white families have equal access to the internet, libraries, and schools.

The question that needs answering but was not, is the question of why even among blacks and whites of the same socio-economic group (whether high or low), that blacks consistently scored so poorly. This gets at the root of the problem; Is there some social or cultural difference that is at work here that is not being talked about or not found?

I have no answers to these questions.

Of the 18 regime changes forced by the United States in the 20th century, only 5 resulted in democracy, and in wars fought unilaterally, the number goes down to one — Panama.

New York Times Magazine, March 2, 2003

This was a “test” that a few of us found around the 2000 election that I found to be particularly insightful as it goes beyond the normal “left - right” designations. Have fun!

Political Compass Chart.png

I read this article with some interest before realizing who wrote it; then I had to go back and give it more thought. I won’t spoil the surprise for you.


Comments below. It is an interesting scenario; I don’t know if I agree with it. I certainly don’t like it, even if it is true. The idea of preserving peace by convincing everyone else you are so nuts that it is better to fall in line with our wishes just seems morally wrong to me. And thinking back to my childhood when being incinerated in a nuclear blast was a serious worry is not something I enjoy being reminded of.

So what do you think? Is there a method to the madness, or is it just madness?

There is just nothing that can be said about this article, let alone the topic. I’m still cleaning the grease off my monitor that oozed through from the pictures. The Worst Breakfast Ever

This is just wrong. I can see no justification for this kind of excess; we are already the fattest nation in the world. Having one meal that exceeds 100% of what you should eat in a WHOLE DAY is just unconscionable.
